University of Baltimore | Groups



Requesting Internal Funds

Eligible student organizations may request internal funding during the initial and supplemental budget periods each year. Startup funding is also available for new organizations outside of these periods. Specific details of the request process, requirements, and eligibility are listed under the Internal Account Funding and Use Policy.

Except for startup funding, all requests must be submitted through Campus Groups and must include specific budget items and supporting line items. A step-by-step guide for this process is available. Once a budget is granted, expenses made from those funds must follow the budget as originally specified unless reallocation of funds is requested.

The president and/or treasurer of each organization requesting funding is required to complete budget training, which reviews the request process, prior to requesting funds. Incoming presidents and/or treasurers may complete training and submit requests (and are encouraged to do so) if they will be the officers in place when the approved budget is available for spending. Training dates and request deadlines are set annually, posted online, and also communicated by email, and through Campus Groups. Individual follow-up to the training may also be arranged by emailing

Funding Periods
Funding is awarded during two periods, initial and supplemental.

Initial funding is available to eligible established organizations (those active for two consecutive semesters or longer). Requests are due in late spring (see our calendar for deadlines) and initial funds granted may be used July 1 through June 30.

Supplemental funding is available to all active recognized organizations (new and established). Requests are due in late fall (see our calendar for deadlines) and supplemental funds granted may be used January 1 through June 30.

Startup Funds
New Organizations (those active less than two semesters) that are not eligible to make initial budget requests may be eligible for $500 (as of FY 2025) of startup funding once officers have completed all required trainings. Startup funding may also be extended to Established Organizations that did not submit an initial budget request as allowed by #5.4.3 in this policy, provided that training requirements have been met. To request startup funding, email