Student Organization Financial Policies
Below are the financial policies that govern student organizations and their operations. CSEI recommends that each officer review all the policies and procedures before and during the year.
- Intended Use of Student Fees
- Allocation & Administration of Fees
- Mission & Purpose of Allocating Bodies
- Student Group Status and Funding Responsibility
- Budget Request Process
- Funding Principles and Restrictions
- Structure of Initial and Supplemental Budget Requests
- Responsibilities of the Student Organization Treasurer & President
- Funding Levels
- Reallocation of Funds
- Appeal Process
- Travel Policies
- Fundraising and Co-Sponsorships
- Policy Changes
- No organization may conduct activities or events in which the purpose, result, or benefit is financial or material gain for individual members of the organization.
- Because the operation of student organizations is funded by the fees paid by University of Baltimore students, no fundraising for political candidates is allowed. You may hold an event or debate, but no money can be raised in support of any political candidate – this includes candidates for a student organization or the Student Government Association.
- Executive, management or organizational positions of authority shall be currently enrolled students only.
CSEI reserves the right to deny payment requests based on the following criteria:
- Requests submitted incomplete/late (less than 6 weeks prior to expected payment date)
- Requests that violate any CSEI, UBalt, or State of MD policy
- Requests that, due to their nature or complexity, are unable to be processed due to current staffing levels
Official Communication Channels
CSEI will use the email addresses of the president and/or treasurer (as listed in Campus Groups) as the official communication channel regarding financials. CSEI staff members may also communicate regarding payment requests in Campus Groups by commenting on the request itself. In these instances, the requestor will be notified in Campus Groups and via email, which is the email by default. Student leaders are encouraged to check their email account regularly and not rely upon email forwarding to another account.
CSEI Policy for Block-funded Organizations
The Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion, as a steward of agency funds for block-funded organizations on campus, establishes the following funding policy for the disbursement of initial allocations to the Student Government Association and Student Events Board.
1. The Student Government Association will be provided a budget worth 22% of the overall student agency fee budget or $55,000, whichever of the two is greater.
2. The Student Events Board will be provided a budget worth 22% of the overall student agency fee budget or $50,000, whichever of the two is greater.
3. If SGA, and SEB are funded based on their minimum percentages, SGA Admin will be provided a budget worth 17% of the overall student agency fee budget. If SGA and SEB are funded based on their minimum values, SGA Admin will be provided a budget minimum of $35,000 after SGA and SEB have been funded.
4. The remaining funds will be allocated to the SGA Finance Committee for disbursement to student organizations.
5. Any funds from the student agency fee budget that remain unallocated at the end of the block funding allocation process will be automatically granted to the SGA Finance Committee for supplemental funding to student organizations.
- Any carry-forward funds will be added to the supplemental funding amount.
- Student organizations will have priority to request supplemental funds.
- After all student organizations have had an opportunity to request supplemental funds, SGA and SEB may request supplemental funds.
- SEB supplemental funding requests will be presented to the SGA Finance Committee
- SGA supplemental funding requests will be presented to the Senate as a Finance Bill and will require passage according to Senate guidelines.
Questions about this policy may be addressed to the Director of Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion. These levels may be revised prior to July 1 for the following academic year, with appropriate and timely notification to those groups who are impacted
1 - Intended Use of Student Fees
1.1 Money allocated to University of Baltimore student organizations by the SGAFC is to be used exclusively for programs created and facilitated by student organization members.
1.2 The Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion may, at its discretion, sanction any organization if it is determined that the above statement regarding “Intended Use of Student Fees" has been violated by students, faculty or staff. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, freezing the organization’s internal and/or revenue account(s), suspension of the organization’s privileges (such as the ability to make room reservations, or utilize University publicity resources), and suspension of the organization’s recognition/active status.
2 - Allocation & Administration of Fees
2.1 Student fees collected by the University on behalf of University of Baltimore Student Government Association (UBSGA) are allocated to UBSGA, and various student organizations through the body described below.
2.2 The Student Government Association Finance Committee (SGAFC) consists of senators who may not concurrently be executive officers in any other student organization. One of these members is the SGA treasurer. All students (including the Treasurer) are voting members. The Graduate Assistant for Financial Operations is a non-voting member and serves as recording secretary. The Business Manager of SSSS serves as a non-voting advisor. SGAFC determines the initial allocations of established student organizations and the supplemental allocations of all student organizations. Additional information about the makeup and operation of SGAFC can be found in its bylaws.
2.3 All student fee monies allocated through the SGAFC are administered by the Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion. Accounts are established for each student organization receiving money from the SGAFC. In order for an organization to use these funds, they must register their club with and work through the Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion. Organizations may log onto Campus Groups at any time to examine their group’s internal accounts, make payment requests, and request budgets. Treasurers are urged to compare their records with the financial accounts in Campus Groups, especially since club records may not reflect some charges that may be automatically deducted from organization accounts.
2.4 Campus Groups is the only current official portal for student organization business and records. No other portal or system (e.g. Westlaw TWEN) is recognized by SGAFC or the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion for any purpose.
3 - Mission & Purpose of Allocating Body
3.1 As an allocating body the Student Government Association Finance Committee (SGAFC) has a mission to fairly disburse student activity fee monies to student organizations in a viewpoint-neutral, student-driven process that provides the maximum potential benefit to the students of the University of Baltimore.
3.2 Under the principle of viewpoint neutrality the allocating body does not base funding decisions on the views held and/or expressed by an organization.
4- Student Group Status & Funding Eligibility
4.1 Block Funded Student Organizations: University of Baltimore Student Government Association (UBSGA), Student Events Board (SEB)
4.1.1 Block-funded Student Organizations are managed by the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion and are organizations that 1) serve an overall governance, programmatic, or fee allocation function at the institutional level and 2) have a primary advisor who is a full-time Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion employee and for whom advisement of the organization is a formal and significant portion of the employee’s job responsibilities. There are two Block-funded organizations:
4.2 Registered Student Organizations: Groups that are fully regietered in Bee Involved and have completed all registration requirements and training are considered "Registered Student Organizations." They are eligible to request initial funds and supplemental funds. They may also be able to request start-up funds if they are not awarded intitial funding. See Policy #5 for details on requesting startup funding.
4.4 Lapsed Student Organizations: CSEI requires re-registration of each organization via Campus Groups each fall semester. A student organization must maintain current registration information in Campus Groups to remain in active status and access funds. An organization becomes inactive if not re-registered by the annual deadline established by CSEI (usually the end of September).
4.4.1 After two consecutive academic years in lapsed status a club or organization may not re-activate, but must reapply for recognition.4.5 For purposes of student organization status categories only the traditional fall and spring semesters are used to determine how long a group has actively functioned. Intercessions and summer sessions are not considered.
5.1 Funds may be requested from SGAFC by eligible organizations during two funding periods and one ongoing funding initiative:
5.1.1 The initial funding period, which takes place in the spring semester, disburses the bulk of the budgetary funds for the following academic year.
5.1.2 The supplemental period, which takes place late in the fall semester, disburses additional funding to be used only during the spring semester that follows.
5.1.While the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion and the SGAFC can generally be expected to adhere to these timelines, they are subject to change based on unforeseen and/or uncontrollable circumstances. Student organization leaders will be properly notified if changes are made to these timelines.
5.1.4 Any student organizations that has fully completed the registration process before the deadline to request Initial or Supplemental funding is eligible to request funds.
5.2 Organizations eligible for initial and/or supplemental funding must submit a budget request using the electronic worksheet supplied on Campus Groups. Submissions made by other means will not be considered.
5.2.1 In addition to the worksheet, student organizations must provide a separate document (as a file attached in Campus Groups) that outlines the organization’s mission and how their proposed budget will further their goals and benefit the student population as a whole. If it is not clear on the worksheet, this document may also be used to explain specific areas of their budget in further detail.
5.2.2 Student organizations have the option to provide additional in-person explanation when the SGAFC meets during Initial and Supplemental Allocations. Appearance before SGAFC is not required, and typically is used to answer questions from SGAFC rather than to provide a formal presentation.
5.2.3 There is a maximum initial allotment of per organization for the Fiscal Year (July 1 until June 30) during the initial funding period. (Organizations may not request more than this amount during the initial period and doing so will adversely affect funding.)
- The maximum for FY24 is $7,500
- The maximum for FY25 is $5,000
5.2.4 Organizations requesting supplemental funding for the spring may request a maximum additional allotment of $2,500 for the remainder of the fiscal year. (Organizations may not request more than this amount during the supplemental period and doing so will adversely affect funding.)
5.2.5 Requests for funding must include a detailed budget indicating how requested funds will be used. Open items, contingency lines, and non-specific requests will be denied. When submitting a budget request each line must be defined with specificity. Please see information on the Structure of Budget Requests (section 7), below.
5.2.6 Revenue fund usage should be reflected in the organization’s budget request. The revenue fund balance for the previous year will be examined as part of the budget request process. Events that will raise revenue for the organization must be disclosed and should rely on contributions or prior revenue to cover costs. In general, the use of more than a nominal amount of Student Fee money to seed revenue generation is disallowed and any use of Student Fees to generate revenue is subject to additional scrutiny from SGAFC and may be denied if not well justified, regardless of amount.
5.2.7 In order to better allocate funds, analytics of past events is highly preferred – this may include sign-in sheets, card swipes, comment cards, messages through Campus Groups.
5.3 Organizations may receive approval for one application per fiscal year. However, in the event of a failed fundraising initiative (ie. an initiative that does not earn more in revenue than is spent on expenses), an organization may apply again after a post-mortem report for the prior initiative is submitted. Please see Section 8 for further details.
5.4 Startup funding may also be requested by Non-Established or New Student Groups and formerly Lapsed Student Groups in the amount of $500 per academic year (amount updated as of FY2025).
5.4.1 Startup funding is intended to assist with costs related to the group’s recruitment efforts, initial events/meetings, and administrative costs.
5.4.2 These organizations are also eligible to apply for supplemental funding may do so regardless of whether or not start-up funding has been requested for the year. However, start-up funding may not be requested after supplemental funding has been received in a fiscal year.
5.4.3 Startup funding will also be available to student organizations that are Established Student Organizations but who failed to submit an initial budget request in a timely matter. No other funding considered for such groups until the supplemental funding period, except under extraordinary circumstances. Such groups may not apply for startup funding after receiving supplemental funding in a fiscal year.
5.5 At the end of each fiscal year, any unallocated funds or unused money that was allocated to a club or organization will be zeroed out and transferred to the SGA Fee Holding account to be redistributed by SGAFC in the following year.
6 - Funding Principles & Restrictions
6.1 In determining how to award initial and supplemental funding, the SGAFC gives primary consideration to events that emphasize and promote the mission of the requesting organization while providing maximum benefit to students as a whole.
6.2 The SGAFC uses information recorded in Campus Groups as part of the deliberative process. It is the responsibility of the organization’s officers to ensure that such information is complete and up-to-date at all times.
6.2.1 Specific information the SGAFC considers in deliberations includes, but is not limited to, events and transactions as related to previous budgets submitted by the organization, including whether or not the organization used the budget as allocated (and reasoning submitted for diversions), proportion of the budget that was unspent, and the organization’s access to and use of revenue funds.
6.3 The SGAFC encourages co-sponsorship and co-facilitation amongst multiple student organizations and, when funding levels allow, may award funding in a manner that reflects this priority, provided that budget requests submitted to SGAFC clearly demonstrate which portion(s) of co-sponsored events are to be funded by which organization.
6.4 Requests that violate funding and use policies or that are incomplete will not be funded. Organizations that violate funding and use policies in their utilization of awarded funds may be denied funding and/or defunded.
6.5 In order for an event to be funded by Student Fee money, it must be reasonably open to the entire student body. Events that are not reasonably open to the student body will not be funded.
6.6 No fundraising for political candidates is permitted. This does not bar political candidates from participating at student organization events.
6.7 No contributions of Student Fee money to charitable causes is permitted.
6.7.1 Events that contain components which support a charitable cause may be considered if the event provides an intrinsic value to the student body beyond the support of the charitable cause, however use of Student Fee money for such events may be subject to additional scrutiny and further restriction by the committee on an event-by-event basis.
6.8 No personal items or gifts for students, faculty, or staff may be purchased with Student Fees. This includes graduation regalia.
6.9 No salaries to members or advisors through any means are permitted via the Student Fees allocated through SGAFC.
6.10 The purchase of reusable items/equipment that are not stored on campus with Student Fees is prohibited.
6.11 The purchase of alcohol with Student Fees must comply with applicable policy. Any event that includes alcohol, regardless of location and funding source, must be registered and approved through the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion in advance. Effective Jan. 1, 2024: Due to State of Maryland procurement guidelines, the Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion is no longer permitted to process payment for any invoices or charges including alcohol. Until further notice, requests for events involving alcohol will not be approved.
6.12 Purchases of firearm related products or services, tobacco products, or gambling fees or services with Student Fees are prohibited.
6.13 Individual membership fees to charter organizations are not funded by Student Fee money; Chapter-level dues may be considered.
6.14 T-shirts and other clothing items that become the personal property of an individual will not be funded for more than $15 per shirt or $6 for other items from Student Fees. Such items must be branded to promote the organization making the purchase.
6.15 If there is an event that is considered by an organization to be crucial to the mission of the student group, it may be labeled as a “Marquee Event” in the group’s initial or supplemental budget request.
6.15.1 The SGAFC will take special consideration for such an event, however, labeling an event as a “Marquee Event” does not guarantee it will be funded at the proposed level or at all.
6.15.2 Organizations may only request one “Marquee Event” per year.
6.16 Events that, by definition/design, hold a significantly greater benefit for the members of the group itself rather than for the student body as a whole will be judged on a case-by-case basis and funded only when money is readily available.
6.16.1 Examples of such events include induction and graduation ceremonies and officer/advisor appreciations and celebrations; this is not intended as an exhaustive list.
6.16.2 In making case-by-case evaluations, generally, the more limited the benefit to the larger student body is likely to be, the less likely the event is to be funded.
6.16.3 The SAB does not consider these types of events to be essential to the mission of any group, therefore they may not be considered a “Marquee Event.”
6.17.1 Is there a proposed pricing scheme for the product or service being offered? What is the profit margin of a unit of the product or service? How many units must be sold to meet the projection?
6.17.2 Does the fundraiser have a target audience? What percentage of the target audience would need to participate in the fundraiser to generate the projected revenue?
6.17.3 Is this initiative based on a similar, successful initiative (whether at UB or not)? How did that event succeed? What did success look like for that event?
6.17.4 For products and services, are there competitors in the UB area? How does this proposal's pricing compare to the competition? Does the product or service provide some additional campus benefits beyond supporting a student organization?
6.17.5 For events, is the organization taking any steps to "lock in" participation (eg. RSVPs, pre-paid tickets)?
6.17.6 Is the organization taking any steps to draw attention to its event or initiative (advertising, using mailing lists, etc)?
6.18 After SGAFC has eliminated loss-making initiatives and initiatives based on non-credible assumptions, applications are prioritized for funding based on their performance on the return on investment ratio (projected revenues divided by budgeted expenses). Initiatives that score higher on that ratio are funded first if sufficient funding is available.
7 - Structure of Initial and Supplemental Budget Requests
7.1 Requests for funding must adhere to the general principles below to ensure proper consideration. Failure to follow these principles may result in less funding being awarded.
7.2 Budget Items. Each unique event (or event series), initiative, or program should be a separate Budget Item in the Campus Groups budgeting system. Each budget item should be assigned a unique name that accurately reflects the event, initiative, or program for which the funding is requested. Funds awarded for one budget item cannot be spent on another without reallocation (see Section 10).
7.3 Categories. Each Budget Item must be assigned a Category consistent with the criteria below. Funding requests within each category should generally adhere to the expectations stated below. SGAFC considers requests with these expectations in mind; even where dollar-amount limits do not exist (see Section 9), SGAFC may award more or less funding based on the request’s compliance with these expectations and the funding principles outlined in section 6.
7.3.1 Activity. The Activity category should be used to request funding for events, meetings, and other programs that are on-campus or in the immediate vicinity of campus. It is expected that requests in this category will primarily utilize UB resources and space to keep costs down.
7.3.2 Equipment: The equipment category should be used to request funds to purchase non-consumable materials that are necessary for the organization’s operation or events. It is expected that requested equipment is a true necessity for the organization’s success.
7.3.3 Promotions/Marketing: This category should be utilized for marketing expenses that relate to the organization as whole and/or specific events. It is expected that tangible goods will be purchased, not advertising services. It is also expected that purchases of print materials for event publicity will be minimized to what is absolutely necessary in favor of digital and online options which are low or no cost.
7.3.4 Supplies: This category should be used for non-edible consumable materials (e.g. paper plates, napkins, office supplies) for general organization operation or use across multiple events/initiatives. It is expected that the organization will retain and reuse leftover supplies.
7.3.5 Travel: This category should be used for all aspects of any activities that involve transportation (regardless of mode) due to the location being outside the immediate campus vicinity.
7.4 Line Items. Each budget item is to be made up of one or more line items. Each line item is a singular expense that relates to the overall budget item. For each line item the type of expense should be selected from the dropdown menu on the Campus Groups worksheet and a more detailed description of that expense should be typed in. Line Item types available depend on the category assigned to the budget item. Common expense types are listed below. The expense type that most closely matches the item(s) to be purchased should be selected. “Other” should only be used as a last resort and should include a robust description.
7.4.1 Line Item types in the Activity category include: Campus Agency Service Fees (i.e. used paying an office on campus), Facility Rental, Food/Catering, Parking Passes, Prizes, Registration Fees, Speaker/Entertainer Fees, Tickets, Transportation, Other.
7.4.2 Line Item types in the Equipment category include: IT Hardware, IT Software, Other.
7.4.3 Line Item types in the Promotions/Marketing category include: Flyers/Printed Advertising, General Promotional Items, T-Shirts/Other Clothing, Other.
7.4.4 Line Item types in the Supplies category include: General supplies, Paper/Ink, Other.
7.4.5 Line Item types in the Travel category include: Accommodations (e.g. lodging), Bridge/Road Tolls, Mileage, Per Diem Meals, Registration Fees, Transportation, Other.
8 - Responsibilities of Student Organization Treasurer & President
8.1 It is ultimately the responsibility of each Organization’s treasurer to manage the finances of the group. This includes, but is not limited to, fulfilling the obligations below. As the backup to the treasurer, each president is also required to fulfil the training obligations below. Failure of these officers to fulfil their obligations is not reason for SGAFC to offer exceptions to policies, procedures or deadlines.
8.1.1 Complete a mandatory Budget Workshop/Training prior to submitting a budget.
8.1.2 Use the budget request feature in Campus Groups to create and submit the initial budget and the supplemental budget requests to the CSEI Office on time.
8.1.3 Complete a mandatory financial expenditure training workshop if funds are awarded and/or the organization intends to utilize its internal revenue account.
8.1.4 Submit all payment requests in a timely and accurate manner, through Campus Groups (or via paper form for Jay’s and Subway catering requests).
8.1.5 Ask for help when needed from CSEI and SGAFC.
9.1 The guidelines below are suggested maximum request amounts for common items on initial and supplemental funding requests. While these limits are informal, SGAFC generally does not allocate more than the maximums below, unless there are extraordinary circumstances where this action is warranted. The SGAFC reserves the right to, and often does, allocate less than the amounts listed if funds are not available and/or if a lower amount is appropriate to the circumstances and in accordance with the funding principles in section 6. The SGAFC reserves the right to set funding limitations on items during the deliberative process of a funding period to ensure consistency and maximize the use of available funds across organizations.
9.1.1 Catering for Recruitment Meetings - $250 per meeting and not more than 2 such meetings per year
9.1.2 Speaker/Entertainer Fees - $1000 in speaker/entertainer fees per event with one speaker/entertainer; $1500 total speaker/entertainer fees per event with multiple speakers/entertainers.
9.1.3 Catering for Events (except recruitment and marquee events) is generally subject to a $800 per event maximum. This cap includes caterer service/bartender fees. SAB recommends separating catering service and catering food expenses into separate budget request line items.
9.1.4 Banners - $150 per year maximum, and only banners for the organization in general. Banners for specific events are not generally funded and funds allocated to banners may not be spent on event-specific banners unless specified for that purpose by SAB.
9.1.5 Promotional items (i.e. giveaways or “swag”) - $6 per item. Note that clothing items are subject to their own restrictions, as listed in section 6 of this policy.
9.1.6 Event advertising materials - $50 per event (see 7.3.3). In general, advertising should be a small part of an organization’s budget
9.1.7 Hotel funding requests should be based on four people per room per night for a maximum of three nights at the applicable lodging per-diem rate listed at Hotel expenses for trips less than 90 miles from campus are not funded.
9.1.8 Gas – the requested amount should utilize the standard IRS mileage rate, updated annually.
9.1.9 Personal Vehicle Rental - $500 per trip
9.1.10 Conference and Convention Registration - $250/ person
10.1 Requests to reallocate more than 25% require the advance approval of the SGAFC, which meets monthly. Appeals of SGAFC reallocation decisions follow the process in section 11.
10.2 For reallocation calculations, the total approved budget includes any startup, initial, and supplemental funding posted to the organization’s Campus Groups account as of the date of the reallocation request.
10.3 Reallocation requests are cumulative—for example, if an organization reallocates 10% of their total budget in September and an additional 15% in October, approval is required for any additional reallocation thereafter.
10.4 Organizations must use funds as originally budgeted and approved unless a reallocation is made. Reallocation is required to move funds between budget items; as of July 1, 2018, it is not required to re-purpose funds from different line items within the same budget item. Organizations may reallocate up to 25% of their total approved budget by completing the reallocation request form available on Campus Groups.
10.5 Reallocation requests under the 25% cap require up to two weeks to process. For those requests that require approval from SGAFC, requests can take up to four weeks to allow time for the committee to convene, review the request, and vote.
11.1 Groups have two opportunities to appeal decisions of SGAFC regarding initial and supplement funding (first to the SGAFC, and then to the full SGA senate).
11.2 Appeals are intended for correcting mistakes and, in rare circumstances, for considering exceptional circumstances that merit an exception to a standard.
11.3 Groups cannot appeal before the full SGA senate without first appealing before SGAFC. Appeals must be submitted in writing to Appeals of student organization allocations may be heard by the SGAFC at the meeting following allocation postings or following a reallocation decision. Student organization appeal requests must be submitted to the SGAFC within five business days of the date the organization is notified of the decision they wish to appeal. Organizations have the right to make an oral presentation in support of their written submission.
11.4 Groups that wish to appeal the appellate decision of the SGAFC, must do so in writing to the full SGA senate. Specific instructions will be included in the email announcing the SGAFC’s decision.
12.1 Travel and Conference Funding: If risk management regulations are not followed, the Office, University, or State may deny a request to travel, whereby refusing to fund the trip with internal account funds. Please find those regulations in the Travel/Conferences portion of the Risk Reduction and Management section (section 6) of the Student Organization handbook. All student trips are funded on a prepaid item or reimbursement basis. No money will be advanced for expenses anticipated, under any circumstance.
12.1.1 For any student organization travel request (in state or out of state), an officer of the requesting organization must meet with a CSEI Team member prior to paying for or booking any travel. This meeting may only be waived at the discretion of CSEI. Any travel that has been paid for prior to submitting a payment request or that does not align with CSEI policy on student organization travel may not be honored by CSEI for payment and will become the responsibility of the purchaser.
12.1.2 Travel requests require a minimum of 40 days to process. If the forms are not submitted in a timely manner, expenses may not be reimbursed. Pre-payment of some travel expenses (hotel, transportation, registration fees) is possible and some travel expenses are reimbursable (hotel, travel, food, registration fees). There are limits on how much the State will reimburse for meals, mileage and lodging.
12.1.3 To provide proper time for processing, approvals, and any needed corrections, a travel expense report should be filed within five (5) business days of returning from the trip. Scans of valid, itemized receipts must accompany this report. Travel reimbursement requests submitted for travel that occurred more than thirty (30) days prior to submission and/or in a prior fiscal year may be denied.
13 - Fundraising and Co-Sponsorships
13.2 Fundraising: Student Organizations are allowed to conduct fundraising activities that will benefit their organization, or a charity. However, organizations are not allowed to fundraise of any political candidate or campaign, this includes student organization and government elections. When conducting fundraising activities for itself, the organization needs to deposit all funds into their internal revenue. Please keep in mind that funds deposited into the internal revenue account cannot be donated to outside organizations. Use of funds deposited into internal revenue is subject to the policy/ies applicable to those accounts. Organizations should also note the restrictions in 5.2.6 regarding revenue generation.
13.3 Co-Sponsorships: Student organizations are encouraged to collaborate with other organizations and offices on campus to achieve larger and more complex events. Support for student organization activities, between two student organizations or one student organization and one on-campus office, may take place, but there is no means through which a student organization can receive a lump sum of funds from another organization or an office as a co-sponsorship. Instead, student organizations or offices may directly purchase goods and services on behalf of a particular event.
13.4 Deposits: Deposits to an organization’s revenue account may be made in CSEI during normal business hours. A student ID (BeeCard) is required and the person depositing funds should be prepared to declare the source of those funds (i.e. the specific fundraiser or activity that generated the funds). A preliminary receipt will be provided.
CSEI Staff will credit the organization’s revenue account in Campus Groups once the deposit has been verified (including final verification of the amount). In the event of a discrepancy, the official amount recorded in the Bursar’s office for the deposit in question will be considered the amount deposited. Deposits should be made immediately after funds are collected, but no later than 24 hours after funds are collected.
14.1 The Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion is responsible for reviewing this policy annually and soliciting feedback on proposed policy changes from the SGAFC.
14.2 SGAFC may independently recommend changes to budget policy or procedure. Such a recommendation is to be communicated in writing by the Treasurer to the Director of the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion.
14.3 Changes to budget policy and procedure become effective for the next budget cycle. The Treasurer of the SGA is responsible for reporting any changes of policy or procedure to the SGA as a whole. Recommendation for changes to the funding guidelines can be brought to the SGAFC by any student organization officer for consideration.