University of Baltimore | Groups

Funding System - Overview

Student organization funding at UBalt is through student agency fees, collected by the university on behalf of Student Government Association (SGA) and Student Bar Association (SBA). Fee funds are distributed amongst undergraduate and graduate organizations by the Student Government Association Finanance Committee (SGAFC). Fees collected on behalf of SBA are managed by a separate office and policy. In addition to distribution of funds, SGAFC will regularly review policy related to use of fee funds.

Student Government Association Finance Committee
Members of the SGA senate, the SGA treasurer, a financial advisor from Student Success and Support Services, and the CSEI Graduate Assistant for Financial Operations (for record-keeping purposes only) sit on this committee to distribute funds to undergraduate and graduate student organizations. More information about SGA and becoming an elected member can be found here.

Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion
The Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion (CSEI) provides operational support and general oversight of student organization financials. Learn more about the role of CSEI.