Registration Requirements

Steps to Register a New Organization

Step 1: Contact us or Submit an Optional Interest Form

E-mail the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion (CSEI) at to schedule time for us to meet to discuss your group. Please provide as much detail as possible about your proposed group.

You may also submit an interest form on Campus Groups (, requesting to start a new organization. You will need to provide the name and purpose of the organization, the name of their potential advisor, etc. While the form is optional, it's helpful for us to gather information and provides information for us when we meet with your group.


  • The Interest Form linked above is not a registration form. You will need to submit a registration form at a later step.
  • If a similar organization is already established, the organization’s leaders will be encouraged to participate in the established organization as duplicate organizations are not permitted.

Step 2: New Organization Checklist

After you contact CSEI or submit an interest form, a CSEI team member will email a New Organization Checklist and schedule a meeting with your group.

You can also find the checklists here:

Allocated Student Organization Checklist

Non-Allocated Student Organization Checklist

See below for the difference between "allocated" and "non-allocated" organizations.

Step 3: Meeting with CSEI

You will meet with a CSEI team member to discuss the required steps to establish a student organization on campus. During that meeting, the CSEI team member will review the student organization interest form and/or new organization checklist. This discussion will include a review of policy, procedure, and guidelines. The CSEI team member will answer any questions the student leaders may have.


  • If the group has already selected an advisor, the advisor may join at that time also.
  • If you have not identified an advisor, we can help.
  • We can also help schedule campus tabling, Zoom calls, or interest meetings to recruit new members to form your group.

Step 4: Registration

After meeting with a CSEI team member, the student will begin registering their new organization via CampusGroups by clicking on ‘Organizations’ and then the blue ‘Register New Organization’ button. The form will need to be filled out completely and, at minimum, the three main officers and advisor will need to be verified through Campus Groups. The registration will include the organization's proposed constitution, which must follow the CSEI constitution template. Visit this web site for more information:

Officers will need to complete the required training. Visit this page for more details:

  • Student Organization Classifications

    Non-allocated Student Organizations: Provide an opportunity for students with a common interest, which wish to meet regularly, and affiliate as an organization. These student organizations are low-risk, not eligible for funding support, and do not have events. Tier-III student organizations are permitted meeting space requests on campus and utilize the Student Engagement and Inclusion Coordinator for general advisement.

    Non-allocated (Non-Funded) Student Organizations require:

    • President, Secondary Officer
    • Constitution (no more than 2 years old)
    • Completion of General Officer training requirements (Module 1 & 2 Only)

    Non-Funded Student Organizations, once fully registered, are granted access to the following resources:

    • Access to the Student Organization Suite including the ability to request a locker
    • Student organization mailbox
    • Support from CSEI Staff
    • Ability to reserve and use campus facilities
    • Full access to Campus Groups amenities

    Allocated Student Organizations: Groups of students with a common interest who meet regularly and affiliate as an organization. These organizations may participate in activities on and off campus, host or attend events or competitions, are eligible to request allocated funding, and require a larger degree of structure and advisement.

    Allocated (Funded) Student Organizations require:

    • President, Treasurer, Third Primary Officer, Faculty/Staff Advisor
    • Constitution (updated yearly)
    • 7 additional general members
    • Completion of General and Financial Officer training requirements

    Allocated Student Organizations, once fully registered, are granted access to the following resources:

    • All Non-allocated resources
    • Inclusion in the Initial and Supplemental allocated funding processes
    • Access to start-up funds (where applicable)

    Block-funded Student Organizations: Organizations managed by the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion and are organizations that 1) serve an overall governance, programmatic, or fee allocation function at the institutional level and 2) have a primary advisor who is a full-time Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion employee and for whom advisement of the organization is a formal and significant portion of the employee’s job responsibilities.

    There are two Block-funded organizations:

    • Student Government Association (SGA)
    • Student Events Board (SEB)

    Block-funded Student Organizations require:

    • President, Treasurer, Third Primary Officer, Faculty/Staff Advisor (within CSEI)
    • Constitution (updated yearly)
    • 7 additional general members
    • Completion of General and Financial Officer training requirements
    • Summer Planning Retreat
    • Spring Planning Refresher
  • Registration Policy

    The policies below apply to all organizations. CSEI will review the registration forms carefully to ensure groups adhere to these policies. CSEI will advise groups of any required changes to their submission during the registration process.

    Organization Duplication: Due to limited resources (students, financial, and staff), the duplication of organizations is strictly prohibited. Each organization must have a unique mission, purpose, and name. CSEI will analyze each organization to ensure all organizations can function and thrive at the University.

    Greek Affiliated Organizations: At this time, the University of Baltimore does not recognize Greek affiliated entities (fraternities or sororities) on campus, as such; Greek organizations are not supported by CSEI.

    Sports Organizations: Due to current resources and available facilities, CSEI cannot support competitive sports organizations at this time. Sports interest groups are welcomed and encouraged. Registrations for sports-related organizations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

    Registration Format: Registration forms will be carefully reviewed to ensure they meet branding and marketing standards. Organizations with "UBalt" or "University of Baltimore" or similar in the name will be revised to remove the university name.

  • Re-registration and Deactivation


    Groups must re-register with each year to remain active. CSEI contacts groups in July with instructions on how to re-register. The deadline to re-register is typically the end of September. After this deadline, any groups that have not re-registered will be deemed inactive and "frozen" until such time as officers complete registration requirements. Once the group submits a re-registration form and it is approved, the group will be unfrozen and will be made active.


    Organizations that do not re-register after two academic years will be deemed inactive. Group revenue collected will be recaptured and pooled centrally.

    Students may re-start a deactivated organization by e-mailing for assistance.

  • Officer Transition

    An important part of being an established student organization is the process of handing the org off to the next student leaders that will run in. Here are some tips for a smooth transition between officers.

    Schedule a time to meet with your outgoing officers, incoming officers, and the advisor.

    Have each position sit together and discuss the duties outlined in the constitution. Make sure to mention any extra duties or activities that may be asked of them.

    Walk through the transition packet so that everyone knows the information that is in it.

    If possible, set up a meeting with CSEI to introduce the new officers to the staff, and show them where to pick up the packet during registration.

    Turn the completed packet into CSEI so the organization will not be slowed down during the registration process.

    If you have any questions, please get in touch with the CSEI Student Organization Team by phone at 410.837.5443 or email