New Policies as of Fall 2024
In Summer 2024, CSEI conducted a thorough review and update of policies impacting student org. operations, events, and financials. Below is a summary of new and updated policy enacted for student organizations as of Fall 2024. The full policies can be found using the link below.
New Operational and Event Policies
Find Full Policies here.
Attendance Tracking: For any events involving catering, events must include the roster of attendees entered into Bee Involved, either through card swipe (which can be reserved through CSEI) or by adding attendees to the event manually (see link for details).
Block funded organizations: Block funded organizations are the only groups permitted to offer stipends. These organizations cannot elect to change stipend amounts within the same academic year. Any changes to stipend rates or payments will go in effect the following academic year.
Constitutions - Elections and Officer Removal: Election processes for student organizations cannot be altered within an academic year. Any update to election processes will be effective the following academic year. For an officer to be removed, a vote of no confidence must be passed by a majority of the voting membership (50% + 1 who participate in the vote). The voting result must be submitted to CSEI who will certify and approve removal of the officer.
Constitutions - Use of Template: Groups submitting new constitutions must use the template constitution found here (adding additional articles as needed). Any groups submitting revised constitutions must also use the template. Groups found to be operating outside of their constitutional requirements may be sanctioned by CSEI up to the loss of privileges and other group sanctions.
Events from outside organizations: Student organizations may not reserve space for external organization events. While it’s expected that groups may invite external organizations to their events or co-promote events, hosting an external event on campus is prohibited.
Event Participation: Sales of items from third-party vendors must not be a barrier to participation in an event (i.e., requiring a student to purchase a book cannot be a requirement in order to come to a reading).
Last Day to Book Events: Student Organizations may schedule events throughout the Fall and Spring Semester. Events during January or the Summer months will be approved on an ongoing basis (e-mail Student organizations will be informed of the deadline to complete event requests at the end of the academic year, which will align with the last day before final exams in Spring.
Minors on Campus: By policy, children ages 14 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in a UB campus building. Link to UBalt Policy:
Organization Duplication: The duplication of registered student organizations is strictly prohibited. Each organization must have a unique mission, purpose, and name. These details must be obviously different from all currently registered organizations. CSEI will review all currently registered organizations prior to approving new groups to ensure this duplication standard is met.
Participation Requirements: All student organization officers must meet the standard of satisfactory academic progress (SAP). No student below a 2.0 GPA or on academic probation will be permitted to participate as an officer of a student organization(s).
Students Communicating with Agencies/Representatives: Any time a student org works with an agent or business representatives to discuss contracts, a professional staff member from CSEI must be present or consulted prior to reaching out, and must be copied on any e-mail transactions. See policy on contracts for further details.
Ticket Sales: Changed "Ticket Sales" to “Ticket Sales and Events Involving Cash." Events involving cash transactions may require presence from UMBPD and/or Campus Security. Groups must notify CSEI (through the event submission form) if events will involve cash. Electronic payments or payment through any third party application (i.e. PayPal, Venmo, etc.) are not permitted. Student organizations must complete a roster for any tickets disbursed through student fee funded budgets.
New Financial Policies as of Fall 2024
Find Full Policies here.
Intended Use of Student Fees: While Student Organizations are encouraged to engage the entire campus community in planning their events, student fee funds should primarily focus on food, items, and ancillary benefits for UBalt students. Events that benefit staff, faculty, or the general public should be limited and prioritize the student experience. Student organizations may not wholly fund events hosted or presented by University departments, colleges, or schools. For these events, student organizations may fund up to 50% of the expected cost of the event, and should list anticipated co-sponsorships in their funding request.
Block-funded Organization funding percentages: Per USM Policy, CSEI uses a portion of the SGA fee (SGA Admin) to cover administrative costs to manage the funds. These funds must be sufficient to cover costs Including but not limited to, funding for a Student Org. Platform (Campus Groups) and a Graduate Assistant to process payments and budget requests.
Catering: Catering for Events (except recruitment and marquee events) is generally subject to a $800 per event and no more than $20 per expected attendee maximum. This cap includes caterer service/bartender fees. SGAFC recommends separating catering service and catering food expenses into separate budget request line items.
Payment Requests: For Payment Requests needed fewere than 4 weeks in advance, groups are asked to in the payment request form to further explain their request. While 4 weeks lead time is encouraged, we will review your request and approve if we can accommodate it based on the complexity of your request and available resources at the time. When you submit a payment request for an event, it's our assumption that this event took place. It's the group's responsibility to notify CSEI ASAP if an event is canceled or not held. All events paid for by student fee funds must be listed in Bee Involved and must include a roster of attendees.
Reallocation: If reallocation requests are not reviewed by SGAFC within 30 days, the request will be reviewed and decided upon by the Director of CSEI. Reallocations cannot move funds from one budget to another. If an expense requires funds from two separate budgets, then multiple payment requests must be made. Reallocation requests are not required to move funds within budget items.
Revenue Accounts: Organization revenue is recaptured and pooled centrally after a group is placed in inactive status (inactive for two years without re-registering).
Speaker Payments: For speaker payments, all payments must be all-inclusive of travel and other expenses. Note: Please see policy on spending limitations for maximum payments to speakers, which would be inclusive of travel.
Spending Limitations: Spending limitations on key items increased to reflect current costs (limits on catering fees, speaker fees, and fees for shirts and promotional items increased).
Startup Funds: Any organization that is registered with CSEI but not approved for initial funding is eligible to request startup funds. Funds should be used for startup expenses, initial meetings and programming, etc. Start up funds will only be granted on an as-available basis and will be awarded at a maximum of $500 per organization. Start-up funds will only be granted once per academic year. Startup funds are only granted on an as-available basis.
Tipping: Tips should be reasonable and customary and must be included in the receipt/submitted documentation provided by the vendor prior to the event. This amount should be considered when planning for group budgets.
Vendor Selection: CSEI may suggest preferred vendors that CSEI or the University regularly does business with, but groups must review and select their own vendors according to their needs. CSEI strongly suggests carefully reviewing vendors to ensure they meet Maryland State requirements and UBalt requirements. Groups may consult with CSEI prior to selecting a vendor if they have any questions. At no time may any student organization process payments to vendors who are UBalt students, staff, or faculty, or family members of same. CSEI will provide suggested vendors for supplies, and promotional products, as well as caterers currently contracted to work with the University.