Event Policies

Below you will find links to the full list of student organization event policies.

Please plan ahead!

Please submit event requests at least four weeks in advance of your event to ensure time for approval, space reservation (if the event is on campus) and to provide you enough time to market your event. Event approvals may take up to one week. We cannot guarantee space for an event submitted with fewer than four weeks' notice.

E-mail studentorgs@ubalt.edu if you have any questions.

Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion Role and Authority

The Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion (CSEI) is committed to providing assistance to all student organizations. CSEI is responsible for all aspects of undergraduate and graduate student organization activity at the University of Baltimore. CSEI has the ultimate authority in overseeing the operations of all registered undergraduate and graduate student organizations.

CSEI reserves the right to modify this policy any time with or without notice. A current copy of the policy is available on this site for reference.

Note: These policies were written exclusively for the use of University of Baltimore organizations. Certain policies and procedures have been adapted to meet the needs of fee based budgets only. Other persons or organizations should check with Accounts Payable before using the budget information in the handbook.

The following are specific policies and procedures pertaining to event planning on campus.

For more assistance, download the CSEI Event Planning Guide. This guide contains helpful information regarding timelines, tasks, marketing, and more.

  • Event Registration and Reservations

    1.1 ALL STUDENT ORGANIZATION EVENTS MUST BE REGISTERED THROUGH CSEI, WHETHER THEY ARE HELD ON OR OFF CAMPUS. Events are registered by creating an event in Campus Groups on your group page.

    • Event requests must be submitted four weeks in advance to allow for processing time for related payments and advertising requests.

    On campus events submitted fewer than four weeks in advance are not guaranteed for space on campus. If a requested space is not available, our team identify a similar space and inform the group.

    • Groups must provide as much detail as possible about A/V requirements when entering the event request. Depending on the nature of the event, our team may need to modify a request based upon available staffing and equipment. Groups will be informed of these changes.
    • Room setups are standard for each space reserved and cannot be modified. Rooms must be returned to their original condition and configuration at the end of your event.
    • Organizations are permitted to hold events that will produce loud noise; however, groups must be conscious of where these events are located. Consideration of event approval includes location, event type, and event specifications. Generally, the Student Center's 5th floor is the best space on campus for events with loud noise/music. Programs that could produce loud noise (i.e., music, movies, or shouting) could be denied in certain locations of campus (open areas in buildings such as the Business Center Atrium, all building lobbies, and all classrooms) and during certain times of day (class hours and study/exam weeks). This does not include speakers and meetings.
    • Events must comply with all current campus public health protocols.
    • Due to the limited space on campus, advanced planning is essential to ensure you have the appropriate space and permissions.
    • Please reserve all spaces when submitting your event form. Please enter all requested event space at the time you submit your request so that we may approve and publish your entire request at one time.
    • Reserving Academic Center Recreation Facilities: Based on expressed student interest, the recreational facilities (i.e., two workout spaces & basketball court) located on the Academic Center 3rd floor reopened on January 29, 2024, for students and employees. The operational hours are from 5 p.m.-9 p.m., Monday throughThursday. The University wants to provide this service to as many students as possible during these open hours. Therefore, group reservations for these spaces are not currently accepted.
    • NEW: Student Organizations may schedule events throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. Events during January or the Summer months will be approved on an ongoing basis (e-mail studentorgs@ubalt.edu). Student organizations will be informed of the deadline to complete event requests at the end of the academic year, which will align with the last day before final exams in Spring.
    • NEW: Student organizations may not reserve space for external organization events. While it’s expected that groups may invite external organizations to their events or may co-promote events, hosting an external event on campus is prohibited.
    • Failure to observe these guidelines, CSEI or University Policy, or any other applicable policies and procedures may result in loss of reservation privilege or further action.
  • After Hours Usage of Space

    2.1 An After-Hours form must be completed for events that will be held outside normal operating hours.

    2.1.1 This includes (but is not limited to) obtaining multiple signatures from UMB Police, Campus Security, Facilities, Housekeeping, and CSEI.

    2.1.2 This form must be completed and submitted to CSEI within business 30 days before the event. CSEI recommends starting this process as early as possible.

    2.2 Organizations that choose to hold an event after-hours beyond normal University operating hours are subject to additional fees from Public Safety, Housekeeping, Auxiliary Services, and Plant Operations.

    2.2.1 These fees are charged at cost to cover expenses incurred outside of normal University operating hours. Organizations that fail to meet and agree with costs from the related offices may need to postpone or cancel the said event.

  • VIP Attendance Policy

    3.1 Organizations must notify CSEI if the organization intends to have VIP Personnel (high-level dignitary, key political figure, well known speakers or performers, UB President, UB Executive Team, Alumni) in attendance at an event.

    3.1.1 Organizations must submit the VIP Attendance Form on Campus Groups here and set up a meeting with a CSEI staff member at least four (4) weeks prior to the event so that the University can determine the appropriate level of security for the event. Fees may be assessed to the organization if additional security will be needed for the event.

    3.1.2 Student organizations must designate an officer to be the event contact. This officer must be in attendance of the event.

    3.1.3 The advisor must also be contacted by the student organization regarding the event, and the advisor or the Advisor’s designee (must be UB faculty or staff) must be present throughout the duration of the event.

    3.2 Requesting the Presence of UB's President: Organizations may want to request the presence of the University President at their event. To make this request, students must complete the above mentioned VIP Attendance form and meet with a CSEI staff member.

    3.2.1 After the submission of the form and meeting, the Student Activities Coordinator will place the request with the Office of the President for you. Student organizations should not complete the form on the President’s Office website to request the presence of UB’s President.

    3.3 Political Activity: The University’s physical facilities may be used for public meetings, including political meetings, if proper safeguards are provided to assure the orderly use of facilities.

    3.3.1 Persons wishing to use a facility must apply to CSEI.

    3.3.2 A reasonable fee may be charged to cover costs of use of such facilities, including utilities, security or police protection, janitorial service and other necessary expenses in the same manner in which any other event requiring additional expense for the University may be charged.

    3.3.3 Permission to use a facility does not imply endorsement by the University of the view or programs of the student organization or the political candidate or sponsor of the event.

  • Student Organization Alcohol Policy

    Effective Jan. 1, 2024: Due to State of Maryland procurement guidelines, the Rosenberg Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion can no longer process payment for any invoices or charges, including alcohol. Until further notice, payment requests for alcohol items will not be approved.

    4.1 Alcohol Regulations and Procedures for Operations and Events: In accordance with the University's published Alcohol Policy, CSEI has implemented the following procedures and regulations regarding alcohol related events sponsored by, or open to, students. These policies are to complement, not override the University’s policies.

    4.2 An organization interested in providing beer and/or wine for an event must set an appointment to meet with a CSEI staff member to review all the policies and procedures.

    4.2.1 Requirements in the student organization alcohol agreement align with the University-wide alcohol policy available here.

    4.3 Student organizations must follow specific procedures should they be approved to have alcohol at their event, as follows:

    1. Student organizations wishing to hold an event where alcohol is served must designate an Event Chairperson. The Event Chairperson will be the key contact for this event, must be present for the duration of the event, and should abstain from consuming alcohol during the event.
    2. The designated Event Chairperson MUST complete all necessary paperwork prior to and after the function, including the Alcohol Agreement Form and Alcohol Event Incident Report. The Incident Report must be completed after every event where alcohol is served even if an incident did not occur.
    3. Beer, certain malted beverages, and wine are the only alcoholic beverages permitted at events hosted on campus. The sale of these alcoholic beverages may only be a single facet of the event, not the sole purpose.
    4. Alcohol must be procured through and served by a caterer with a valid liquor license.
    5. When required by UBPD, Public Safety officers must be contacted to provide security. This may include overtime costs. Organizations will be provided notification if they need officers after completing the Student Organization Alcohol Agreement Form. If required, an estimate of this fee will be provided when the Student Organization Alcohol Agreement Form is approved.
    6. Events including alcohol will not be scheduled, nor approved, during the period of final exams. This period includes both study days and exam days for the College of Public Affairs, the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business and the School of Law.
    7. University approved areas for the sale of beer and wine are the Academic Center lounge, BC-003, areas in the Student Center, Gordon Plaza, Law School 12th floor, 6th floor, lobby, and lower lobbies. The Business School Atrium is available on a very limited basis with special approval from the Director of the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion or their designee.

    4.4 Serving Alcohol at the Event

    1. Events where all attendees are over the age of 21 may be exempt from wristbands/handstamps as determined by the Director of the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion or their designee. Exception requests must be requested in writing in the Student Organization Alcohol Agreement Form. Age verification is still required, even if the use of wristbands/handstamps is not.

    2. Age verification is required for all those consuming alcohol at all events. In addition, some type of visible identification designating who is of-age must be used, ie; hand stamps, wristbands.

    3. Alcohol may be served for a maximum of six hours and all sales/distribution must stop 30 minutes before the end of the advertised event time (for example, an event advertised until 11:00 p.m. requires sales and distribution to cease at 10:30 p.m.) No alcohol can be served at an event before 3PM. 4. Both the Event Chairperson and the student organization’s Advisor or the Advisor’s designee (must be UB faculty or staff) must be present throughout the duration of events where alcohol is served unless ALL of the conditions listed in the introductory section of this policy are met.

    4.5 Pricing Requirements

    1. Exceptions to the pricing requirements of these guidelines may be approved at the discretion of the Director of the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion or their designee. Exception requests must be requested in writing in the Student Organization Alcohol Agreement.

    2. No individual other than the caterer may bring alcohol to any event on campus that is subject to the Student Organization Alcohol Policy.

    3. For catered events, leftover alcoholic beverages must be returned to the caterer. Alcohol may not be taken “to-go” nor may remaining alcohol be sent home with event participants following the event.

    4. A sufficient quantity of food must be made available during the entire course of the event. While sales of some items are allowed, some type of free food must also be supplied, for the entire course of the event.

    5. Sodas, water, or other non-alcoholic drinks must be made available in equal or greater quantities than that of the alcohol during the entire course of the event. They must be offered for free or at fair market price.

    6. Small (less than 30 people) “closed” events (e.g. meetings/receptions for which there is a specific invitation and RSVP list) are not subject to the above pricing restrictions.

    7. Alcohol may not be part of an all-inclusive price for an event. For example: You cannot sell a ticket to an event for $5.00, which would include all you can eat food and all the alcohol you can drink. An all-inclusive price can include a pre-stated number of drink tickets provided the price charged is at least equal to the per-drink cost of the alcoholic beverages. For example, a $10 entry fee could include all you can eat and 2 drink tickets, if the actual cost of alcohol breaks down to $5 or less per drink.

    8. No alcohol may be distributed for free. This includes before, during, and after the event.

    9. Approved alcohol may not be sold at a price lower than the cost of the product and equipment. No reduced pricing is allowed, such as "two for one" or "3 for $2.00" which encourages excessive drinking and/or irresponsible behavior.

    4.6 Alcohol Event Publicity

    4.6.1 Event advertising may not promote excessive drinking through graphics or text. Event advertising may not promote special pricing of alcohol. Reference to "beer" and "wine" must appear in the same size and manner as, or smaller than, the reference to non-alcoholic beverages and food or other flier information. Final decisions about advertising are left up to the discretion of the Director of the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion.

  • Contract and Permits

    5.1 Contracts: Students are not permitted to sign any contract pertaining to the University, State of Maryland, or their student organization.

    5.2 All contracts must be submitted through the Campus Groups Payment process. Once the request has been approved by CSEI, the contract will be vetted, and negotiated, through the Office of Procurement.

  • Raffles

    6.1 Baltimore City prohibits any type of gambling, casino nights, etc.; however, raffles and certain games of chance may be used to help raise funds for a student organization. Below are the guidelines that must be followed. Before planning a raffle, it is strongly encouraged to meet with a CSEI staff member to go over the process of conducting the activity. Even if your organization has conducted raffles in the past. Gaming and raffle laws are regulated by the state and subject to state and county laws and these regulations may change.

    6.2 Necessary Guidelines: Before a raffle can be held in the City of Baltimore, a permit must be purchased for the day of the drawing from:

    Gaming Permit Unit

    242 West 29th Street

    Baltimore, MD 21211

    6.2.1 The permit will cost $10.00/day/event. If your organization is not on file with Police Headquarters, a thirty (30) day waiting period is required after the initial application. If your organization is already on file, the permit will be mailed by the next business day. Payment must be made in the form of an organization check made payable to the Baltimore City Police Department. Cash is not an accepted form of payment.

    6.2.2 Each raffle must have a specific stated length of time that the money will be collected and/or tickets sold.

    6.2.3 Raffle tickets must be printed in numerical sequence. Each individual ticket must be imprinted with both the individual ticket number and the total number of tickets to be sold (e.g. 1 of 200).

    6.2.4 Layout for the ticket is flexible but copy should include all of the following:

    • Name of the raffle (i.e.; 50/50, trip, dinner)
    • Description of the prize (i.e.; 3 days/2nights)
    • SPECIFIC drawing date and time
    • Where the proceeds are going to. (If the proceeds are being divided specific amount or percentages should be noted)
    • Name of sponsoring organization
    • Cost of donation or price of ticket
    • Ticket number (put on both ticket and stub)
    • Stub with space for name, address, phone number

    6.2.4 Layout for the ticket is flexible but copy should include all of the following:6.2.5 All ticket wording and layout must be approved by a member of the CSEI professional staff BEFORE tickets are sold.

    6.2.6 Once fully approved, all tickets should be turned over to an individual who will be responsible for distribution. The organization is responsible for designating this approved seller. Only approved sellers may sell tickets.

    6.2.7 As approved sellers come to pick up tickets, they must sign the “Raffle Manifest” form indicating the number of tickets received, the numerical sequence of the tickets, and the date when the tickets, stubs, and cash will be turned in along with the unsold tickets. 16.2.8 No more than 20 tickets should be given to a seller at a time. Additionally, the sellers must be given the “Sellers Log” to track information about the buyers of the tickets. Each seller is responsible for keeping their log accurate and up to date.

    6.2.9 No ticket may be sold under face value and each ticket must be individually priced. No combinations or deals may be offered for purchasing more than one ticket- (e.g. no 2 tickets for $x or 3 for $y).

    6.2.10 The drawing must be held on the date and time specified on the ticket and must be held in a public location. No drawing may be held until all tickets, stubs, and/or money has been accounted for.

    6.2.11 Should any member of the organization participate in the raffle, a CSEI professional staff member must conduct the drawing for the winner.

    6.2.12 Once the winner has been selected, they must complete the “Certification by Raffle Winner” form. This original signed form, the “Raffle Manifest” and all sellers’ logs must be returned immediately after the completion of the raffle to CSEI. These forms will be kept on file in CSEI for three years as proof of the legitimacy of the raffle.

    6.2.13 Immediately following reconciliation, the ticket revenue must be turned into CSEI for deposit to your revenue account.

    Art and information submitted for advertising should be thoroughly proofread and compliant with the University of Baltimore Graphics Standard and Editorial Style Guide. Events submitted with obvious or excessive errors will be returned for revisions.

  • Street Closures

    7.1 To have a street closed, you can visit the Baltimore City Website (http://permits.baltimorecity.gov/SpecialEvents.aspx). The permit has associated costs, and it must be submitted no later than 75 days before your event.

    7.2 If your organization chooses to request a special permit from Baltimore City, CSEI must be notified before the application is submitted. If CSEI is not notified about a street closure, the event may be canceled.

  • Animal Use on Campus

    8.1 Animals, live or dead, may not be used for entertainment purposes including, but not limited to, ceremony, amusement, pranks, giveaways, or for selling

    8.1.1 For the purposes of this policy, the term "animal" includes any wild or domesticated, warm-blooded or cold-blooded animal.

    8.1.2 This policy does not apply to food items

    8.1.3 Animals may be used in a controlled manner by a respectable organization. For approval, please email all event details to CSEI at studentorgs@ubalt.edu.

  • Ticket Sales

    9.1 The CSEI Front Desk offers ticket sales services. In order for the Front Desk to provide this service effectively and efficiently, the following conditions must be met.

    • Conditions for Ticket Sales
    • CSEI reserves the right to refuse to sell, or terminate the sale, of any event that violates policies listed in this policy or the Student Handbook, or if the event is deemed questionable in nature or content.
    • All money collected at the CSEI Front Desk will be deposited into the organization’s revenue account on Campus Groups.
    • The Front Desk can only accept payments in the form of cash or check. Ticket purchasers will need to bring exact change to obtain their tickets.
    • All sales are final, and no refunds will be given through the Front Desk.
    • The Front Desk of CSEI will only operate the sale of tickets; they will not hand out any additional information or event materials. Any other requirements for an event must be handled through the organization. The only exception is when an Assumption of Risk, Indemnification, and Release form is needed– More information on this form can be found in section 26 of this policy.
    • Tickets for events held on campus will not go on sale earlier than two weeks prior to the event. Tickets for events involving travel may go on sale earlier than two (2) weeks with prior permission from the Director of CSEI.
    • All finalized information must be submitted to the Director of CSEI one (1) week prior to tickets going on sale.
    • The organization’s representative in charge of ticket sales and the organization’s treasurer need to meet with the Director of CSEI to discuss the process and details of the ticket sales. This meeting must happen at least four (4) weeks before the tickets are to go on sale.

    9.3 Information Needed to Sell Tickets: In order for CSEI to approve the sale of tickets, the following information is required:

    • Organization’s name
    • Event name
    • Event description
    • Event details: date, time, location (including rain location)
    • Event contact person’s information: name, Ubalt email address, phone number
    • Ticket Sales information:
    • Price for students, faculty and staff, and guests
    • Restrictions on sales (e.g. students only)
    • Number of tickets to be sold, amount sold per-person
    • Date the tickets will go on sale, and dates the sale of tickets will conclude
    • Ticket Roster - a list of all tickets sold which will include the following:
    • Name of person who sold the tickets
    • Amount paid
    • Number of tickets purchased
    • Date of purchase
    • Name of purchaser

    9.4 Ticket Sales Not Run Through CSEI: Some organizations may elect to sell tickets for an event or program on their own. To do this, the organization must follow this process for creating and selling tickets.

  • Facility and Program Access

    10.1 Student organizations must provide access to their programs and activities for qualified students and other participants with accessibility needs.

    10.2 American with Disabilities Act: The Americans with Disabilities Act became law in July 1992. This Act requires that all public activities must be accessible to people with disabilities. This law applies to all organizations within the University and includes all events planned by these groups.

    10.2.1 Organizations may not deny persons with disabilities the opportunity to participate in their group or to participate in activities organized by the group.

    10.2.1 Organizations may not deny persons with disabilities the opportunity to participate in their group or to participate in activities organized by the group.

    10.2.2 In planning an event or activity, the organization must be prepared to provide accommodations for any participants with disabilities -- whether they are members of the organization or the general public. The group may request advance notice from the individual needing additional services.

    10.2.3 When advertising a program or event, you must indicate that accommodations will be made. The announcement should state: "Appropriate accommodations for individual with disabilities will be provided upon request ten (10) days before the event and 30 days prior to a scheduled travel event. Contact the Office of Disability and Access services at 410.837.4775 or das@ubalt.edu to request accommodations."

    10.2.4 When advertising a program or event that includes food, it is important to indicate that dietary accommodations will be made. The announcement should state: “For Special dietary needs contact the sponsoring organization five days prior to the event (i.e. vegetarian, vegan or Kosher dietary needs).”

    10.3 Access to Information and Programmatic Access: If you are planning an event, make your event accessible to individuals with disabilities in the campus community. Use the following guidelines when planning your event.

    10.3.1 Access to Information

    • Promotional materials, handouts, brochures, invitations, etc. should be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities.
    • Be sure to inform the campus community of this availability with this statement:
    • This (registration, form, brochure, etc.) can be made available in alternative formats for people with disabilities. Contact (name of student organization).

    10.3.2 Programmatic Access

    • Make sure the campus community are aware that the accommodations can be made for people with disabilities by including the following statement on promotional brochures, flyers and other materials:
    • Please indicate if you need special services, assistance or accommodations to fully participate in this program by contacting (name of student organization) at (form of contact, i.e. email and/or phone). Please notify us by (deadline).
    • Make sure the facility you are planning to use for the event is barrier-free. This is especially important when selecting an off-campus site for the event.
    • Make sure there is appropriate space for wheelchair seating.
    • Make sure appropriate seating is arranged for individuals who need to use interpreters.
    • Make sure there is appropriate walkways for mobility aid use.
    • Make sure the restrooms and entrances are accessible.
    • Make sure you arrange for appropriate accommodations in advance.
  • Dress Code

    11.1 University of Baltimore students are expected to wear appropriate attire at all times.

    11.2 Appropriate attire is considered clothing that covers an individual’s undergarments, midriffs and posterior.

    11.3 Failure to comply with these policies may result in removal from a program, event or facility.

    11.4 Individual programs, events and facilities may also require a specific dress code appropriate for their area, please refer to their individual webpages for more information.

  • Cost of Participation

    12.1 The fees associated with enrollment at the University are used to provide co-curricular experiences and facility access to students. Access to University programs and facilities may be limited and incur additional fees for all users, including students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members.

    12.2 Any fee associated with the event, program or facility, including ticket sales, deposits, membership fees, and guest fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Participants should refer to specific events, programs and facilities to determine access and associated fees.

  • Closing and Delays

    13.1 At times, the University of Baltimore is closed due to an emergency or extreme weather; if this occurs, all CSEI and student organization events will be canceled. Student organizations are responsible for notifying participants accordingly.

    13.2 For the most up-to-date information, CSEI strongly encourages all students to sign-up for the Campus Text Alert System through the MyUB portal.

  • Behavior at Events

    14.1 All members of the University community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the goals of the institution and demonstrate respect for self, others, and their property.

    14.2 The University of Baltimore strives to provide students with an environment and opportunities that encourage learning, acceptance, recognition, and appreciation of those who are different from themselves. Actions that violate the University’s Code of Student Conduct, University policies and procedures and/or the law, may be subject to the University of Baltimore’s disciplinary procedures found here.

    14.3 Harassment, including but not limited to: violence or threats of violence are not tolerated at events hosted by CSEI or student organizations. Such behavior may result in ejection from events, student organization activities, or CSEI.

    14.4 Use of False Identification: The use of another person's identification within any University program, event or facility is strictly prohibited. Anyone using another person's identification will be escorted out of the program, event or facility and their University involvement suspended until further notice.

    14.5 Grievance Policies & Procedures: You can find more about the University of Baltimore’s nonacademic grievance policies and procedures found here.

  • Attendance Tracking

    15.1 For any events involving catering, events must include the roster of attendees entered into Bee Involved, either through card swipe (which can be reserved through CSEI) or by adding attendees to the event manually (see link for details).

  • Sales from Third Party Vendors

    16.1 Sales of items from third party vendors must not be a barrier to participation in an event (i.e. requiring a student to purchase a book cannot be a requirement in order to come to a reading)

  • Minors on Campus

    17.2 By policy, children ages 14 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in a UB campus building.