UBalt Blood Drive
Save the Date!
The University of Baltimore is collaborating with the Red Cross to host a blood drive on our very own campus! It will be held on the Student Center fifth floor on Monday, April 21st, 2025, from 11am to 4pm.
Registering here is NOT an appointment reservation, but after you register, you will be redirected to the appointment reservation.
If you do not get redirected, you may click or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=uofbalt
Unable to donate, but still want to help? We're happy to have you anyway! Kicking off National Volunteer Week, we'd love your support in facilitating the day's events! Register here to be a volunteer: https://ubalt.givepulse.com/event/552206-ubalt-blood-drive-volunteers
If donating during your shift, please let Atom Zerfas know so that your shift can be covered.
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